Keeper of The Sacred Bee Tarot
The tarot deck that completes the Journey of The Sacred Bee Trilogy. The final deck of The Sacred Bee Tarot and Oracle decks is almost here. For the keepers that hold the bees sacred, there is a space and a nurturing environment to expand and learn.
For readers and collectors, this deck is of the highest quality with 350gsm and a smooth matte finish with such a great feel and minimizes having cards stick together. If we reach a stretch goal, we’ll get the beautiful lavender gilding that enhanced the aesthetic of the cards with a colorful and unique finish. It’s designed for readers interested in sticking to an RWS approach but allows different art forms to emerge, allowing your intuition to soar. This deck completes the trilogy of The Sacred Bee journey. Having all three decks gives the Tarot reader the choice to use different approaches to divination.
Belangrijke eigenschappen
Auteur: Kelly Burton
Inhoud: 78 kaarten & instructies - in bewaarzakje
Taal: Engels
Illustraties: Kelly Burton